Originally Posted by ygeffens
My fault. I meant that, when I have to buy it at my place of
Do you mean, that when I attach my Begian DID to the Solomo Voip account, that I can receive calls on my cellphone (in Germany) at 5ct/m?
Yes. You just need to configure the solomo VoIP account in your FritzBox and set up a forwarding (or parallel call) for inbound calls (addressed to some of yours DID number(s)) to your solomo number through the solomo VoIP account.
or is that only on the sip-client? If so, it's not very usefull because I can also attach my DIDs to my own voip-accounts for free.
Answering calls to your solomo number by SIP client is always free. The 5 ct/min referes to calls from your solomo VoIP-account to any solomo pro number (including your own one).
I'll write a small report about my findings when I'm back.
Just to be on the safe side, I'll write down some fonic and tchibo addresses to pick-up a sim-card in case solomo is not performing as I expect.
Regarding the separate credit for VoIP, I didn't realize, that solomo has dropped the initial credit of € 5 also for the VoIP-credit. So indeed you will need to topup the VoIP-credit ("solomo online Konto") separately by banktransfer.
That's how you setup your solomo VoIP-account in your FritzBox: