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babble (Offline)
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Default More solomo voip details - 27-03-2009, 10:00


You also need to know that a solomo pro accout has two credit balances. One balance is for the sim (for normal telephone services). And the second balance is for voip services (at the moment: voip calls, the "iSMS service" for sending cheaper SMS messages over the internet which include your solomo pro telephone number, and perhaps also to pay for tweetpushes in the future). It looks as if a free test phase for tweetpushes will begin in April.

The bad news is that the voip services balance cannot be credited from the sim balance, nor can it be topped up via the internet. The voip services balance has to be topped up via a bank account:

Empfänger: solomo GmbH
Bank: Commerzbank
Kontonummer: 10 443 6100
Bankleitzahl: 443 400 37
IBAN: DE51 4434 0037 0104 4361 00

UserId: xxxx (get this from the voip section of your online solomo account)
Benutzername: 01570******* (your solomo pro phone number)

Best logon to your online solomo account and confirm the bank details. I think you can logon to your account even before you receive your sim in the post.

Originally Posted by ygeffens View Post
Do you mean, that when I attach my Begian DID to the Solomo Voip account, that I can receive calls on my cellphone (in Germany) at 5ct/m? or is that only on the sip-client? If so, it's not very usefull because I can also attach my DIDs to my own voip-accounts for free.
Yes, you can forward your Begian DID to the Solomo Voip account. Online you can set up your account to receive incoming calls either on your solomo mobile alone (5c/min), or on your solomo voip account alone (free), or on both simultaneously for 5c/min (but only pickup on one receiver). Each solomo pro account also has its own voip telephone number (with "98" in the middle) which you can give to people if you only want them to directly phone your voip telephone.

Naked voip over somolo/e-plus is banned, but technically possible. There are a few minor hurdles, but nothing complicated. I won´t give any details because the e-plus network is very, very overloaded at times. Just play around knowing that it is possible. Jump the hurdles!

All solomo sims allow UMTS data transfer, where it has been enabled by e-plus.

Oh, I almost forgot. The solomo service is provided by vistream. In the solomo contract terms and conditions, you have to agree to the vistream terms and conditions, which include a clause allowing vistream to terminate all services after 3 months of account inactivity. No-one has ever reported that this clause has been used, but it is there nevertheless.
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