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Bossman (Offline)
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Default 13-03-2009, 10:08

It depends on when you bought the sim. Did you buy the old sim with Israel number or the new one with Belgium number? They are having some issues (just like celtrek) transiotioning from the old Israel provider that is no longer functioning to this new Belgium carrier. As I posted, they sent me a replacement sim with the Belgium number, but it's not totally functioning. Incoming calls and sms work but out going does not. Their customer service sent an email a couple of days ago, regarding the issues thay are having. See it below
Dear MAXroam user

By now you should have received your new sim, or are due to receive it shortly.

The sim comes preloaded with €10, your remaining credit will be available asap. Your new sim uses the latest GSM technology, has coverage in 203 countries and data coverage in 139 countries with inbound roaming in over 50 countries at under 20c

As you know this is cutting edge technology and we apologise for a few hiccups whilst we get your billing and local numbers connected to your sim card, at present you can make or receive calls and top up your account online.

We have attached our new user guide to help you familiarize yourself with your new sim.

Best Regards,

Originally Posted by motif1 View Post
Maxroam may be belly-up, ex, late, no more. I might have the luck to have bought the last SIM from them.

I've been trying to get a username & password so i can get a local phone number since Monday, now it's Friday. I was sent usr and pwd that were the same single digit & did not work on their site. Possibly the last gasp of an automated registration system left by itself, no longer tended by humans who are all off looking for new jobs. The Maxroam phone does not answer. The customer service mail site could only tell me the beginning of the week that "upgrades" were underway and would take a few days. A week is not a few days. Anyhow, what "upgrades" - apparently system shutdown? The only other activity was yesterday when somebody went in and marked my series of complaints as "resolved". Umm, well not exactly...

I can't understand, it's not like Ireland is having any kind of economic problem that could cause companies, especially wobbly start-ups, to go out of business as fast as you can blink your eye...

Oh well what are the alternatives for roaming cards? Well, ones that are still in business, that may be the harder part. Yackie rates are higher than maxroam was when it was working, and does not have as much country coverage, especially Africa which I need.

Phones: Xiaomi Mi Mix 2, Samsung Galaxy A50, ASUS zenfone 3,
Sim cards: AT&T (Contract), 3 UK, Piranha Mobile
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