13-03-2009, 09:42
Maxroam may be belly-up, ex, late, no more. I might have the luck to have bought the last SIM from them.
I've been trying to get a username & password so i can get a local phone number since Monday, now it's Friday. I was sent usr and pwd that were the same single digit & did not work on their site. Possibly the last gasp of an automated registration system left by itself, no longer tended by humans who are all off looking for new jobs. The Maxroam phone does not answer. The customer service mail site could only tell me the beginning of the week that "upgrades" were underway and would take a few days. A week is not a few days. Anyhow, what "upgrades" - apparently system shutdown? The only other activity was yesterday when somebody went in and marked my series of complaints as "resolved". Umm, well not exactly...
I can't understand, it's not like Ireland is having any kind of economic problem that could cause companies, especially wobbly start-ups, to go out of business as fast as you can blink your eye...
Oh well what are the alternatives for roaming cards? Well, ones that are still in business, that may be the harder part. Yackie rates are higher than maxroam was when it was working, and does not have as much country coverage, especially Africa which I need.