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dg7feq (Offline)
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Default 23-02-2009, 22:17

Originally Posted by siskiou View Post
Thanks, everyone!

So, if I buy a Tchibo card, I'd have to load it up with 20Euro for the Dataflat for 30 days? Or does it come with some credit on it already?
I checked on the Tchibo website, and under the prepaid options, the data pack doesn't show up as an option.
And could I use a regular landline in Germany to activate the data option? I won't have access to a cell there.
You have to send a SMS from the Tchibo card to activate the data pack.
SMS to 7777 containing "START DATENPACK" for the 500 MB pack or
SMS to 7777 containing "START DATENFLAT" for the flatrate

But the software for the datacards can ususally also send SMS messages, so that shouldnt be the problem. Otherwise ask anyone at the hotel reception or your friends if you could stick your SIM in their phone for a minute.


Germany: o2 blue all-in L, simquadrat
Thailand: truemove (phone+sms+wifi)
International: xxSim+372, toggle +44/+49/+41/+31
Phones: Huawei Mate7, Huawei P9
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