03-02-2009, 18:28
My two (U.S.) cents. Out going rates, at least from l1st world countries) seem to be quite reasonable.
Problem - as w. all other providers who offer IOM, Estonia, Lichtenstein etc. numbers, it is expensive to call a +4476 (IOM). From the U.S. it is 32 to 38 cents/min. via most lD carriers. There are a couple that charge the same rate as to a "regular" +44 mobile - about 22-25 cents/min. This is obviously a lot cheaper than calling Estonia or LIcht.
Since the outgoing rates are so reasonable, there would be no reason to think of using a callback service.
A question for Ross et al - it appears your company gets no part of the money generated for your underlying IOM carrier. These carriers should be willing to share in the profits generated by incoming calls. Obviously they don't, which is why you (and others) make sure outgoing calls are made.
Outside lst world countries this service is quite expensive - at least on outgoing calls. Incoming rates aren't posted yet.
Make use of T-M's UMA/wifi free calling from any place in the world with access to wifi. I use an LG G6, wife an S7)
A/o Oct 20, 2013 no need for intl prepaid as T-Mobile U.S. includes voice roaming at 20¢/min (in and out)., unlimited text (in and out), and unlimited data in 140+ countries.
My Plan -[6 lines] U.S. T-Mobile unlimited minutes (incoming and outgoing), unlimited text, fast data on each line. that $145/mo. total! . (In U.S. no surcharge for calling a cell.) If a line exceeds 2G of data in a month, pay $10 more for that line. [That only happens a couple times/year.