Thread: Easyroam
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Ukap (Offline)
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Default Easyroam - 02-02-2009, 15:54

I have used United Mobile for the last 3 years with great success. I have both the 423 and 44 cards.
I need to add credit but feel nervous to do so now. I wonder about the company stability and I am not sure about the incoming "free" rate added. I have been looking for alternatives for a trip in April.
I looked at The prices seem good but I would like some reviews on the quality of calls and customer service. The website does not inspire me - it contains mistakes and looks amateur. Not sure if I want to trust them with my CC details.
Looked at also. Found it difficult to understand their services and pricing. I was a fomer user of callbackworld until the rates went high. How does globalroam compare with callbackworld?
Do you have other suggestions for a trip to Europe (Portugal/Spain/Italy/UK/Monaco/Gibraltar for 3 weeks?)
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