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adam917 (Offline)
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Question Advantage of int'l SIMs versus other solutions? - 22-01-2009, 08:45

I would like to know from other users on here who use them: what are the advantages of an international SIM besides maximum coverage & one number? Is the often high price per minute or megabyte worth such a convenience? I notice that SMS rates are multiple times higher than using the home SIM roaming abroad. Has anyone on here really saved money using these int'l SIMs or are they used as a backup/last resort solution like I have them as? Deals like Vodafone Passport & 3 Like Home (as well as whatever equivalent offerings Orange, T-Mobile, & O2/Telefonica have) are looking better every day.

The data rates I notice are astronomical and can easily sometimes be higher than standard roaming rates. Charging by the 10, 100, & 333 KB, sometimes with a session fee, is a real rip-off.

I also notice these SIMs often get the discount rates only in a handful of countries in Europe, ditto anywhere else - your only solution would be a local SIM in that country.

Considering we can find out who supplies the int'l SIM companies the service, would it make sense to check out the offers direct from the operator in question? (Like O2 UK, the operator that Mobal uses.)
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