18-01-2009, 11:29
I hope you've recovered now... that's not a pleasant experience (my father had it at age 53).
Thanks for the tip. I haven't got around to doing it as 2G isn't too bad - on limited bandwidth connections it's actually quite useful in saving the kilobytes.
Now the bad news. COSMOTE's My View'n'Web pass is strictly 40MB/month. It won't let me buy the monthly pass until after the 15 days trial period has elapsed even though I've used almost all the 40MB, so I'm guessing once you've used your 40MB you can't buy any more data until a month after you bought the pass. In addition, the monthly pass renews automatically so you have to remember to cancel it when you're done.
I've just tried renewing my WIND Plus and the same happens - a text to reply saying I already have it, and no debit from my account.
[ some days later ]
But there's a silver lining to this cloud. I've now gone quite a way above the 40MB in my COSMOTE trial period, and my balance hasn't reduced. The traffic I've recorded is about 60MB, but I imagine I've done more like 80MB. So buying a COSMOTE SIM for EUR5 and just using the 15 day trial period might be a way forward for 'unlimited' internet (ie until they notice and block it). Unlike WIND, I don't think COSMOTE have a 1MB size limit nor an annoying mangling proxy.
Even if they do limit this offer to 40MB, there's another way out. Just buy a pile of COSMOTE SIMs for EUR5 each. Activate the trial period, use for 15 days or until you exhaust the 40MB plus the EUR1 of credit (that'll get you about 100KB at the metered rates) at which point it should stop working. Throw away the SIM and use another one. That works out at EUR5 per 40.1MB, or about 12.5cents/MB. Unless they lock the trial offer to IMEI (which sounds unlikely) then you can get through as many SIMs as you like. I bought another SIM in the interests of research but haven't tried this because of the lack of limit above. I would advise not buying more that two or three SIMs at a time in case shops get suspicious, or run out of stock. But Germanos and OTE/COSMOTE shops are quite plentiful, so that shouldn't be a problem.