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stefandim (Offline)
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Posts: 9
Join Date: 08 Jan 2009

Default CallInEurope in France - 18-01-2009, 01:45

Has anyone tried this provider in France? I am soon moving there and I am searching for a suitable contract or prepaid for a low usage profile. I am currently trying to choose between Simyo and CallInEurope, which I did not see discussed in this forum.

CallInEurope is postpaid and uses the network of SFR, as far as I understand, but with no commitment and interesting prices, when I compare it with the other contracts and prepaid cards.

CallinEurope : Pass Europe. 1re Offre de tlphonie Mobile Europenne. Carte SIM France.

The prices in short, as far as I can translate their price list:

In France:
0.19 EUR/min to all networks with tact 60/1
0.085 EUR/SMS to all networks

It is possible to select tact 1/1, but with connection fee of 0.09 EUR.

0.59 EUR/MB for GPRS with tact 10 kb

0.39 EUR/min to EU countries with tact 60/60
0.15 EUR/SMS to EU cuntries

In roaming:
0.19 EUR/min for incoming calls in EU with tact 60/60
0.39 EUR/min for calls to EU, while roaming in EU with tact 60/60

3.90 EUR/MB for GPRS in EU with tact 100 kb

Activation fee: 29 EUR
Minimum usage: 15 EUR/3 months
No minimum contract length

As far as I understand, at the end of each 3 months, if you have made less than 15 EUR of usage, you have the option to cancel the contract or to pay the difference to 15 EUR.

Payment should be done using a credit card or a deposit of 750 EUR should be paid for other types of payment, if I understand it correctly.

The offer looks good at first sight, but it would be better to see the comments from someone, who has actually used it.
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