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bbob (Offline)
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Default 20-11-2008, 17:10

Originally Posted by cloud9 View Post 20p worldwide....
The GoGlobal SIM card rates and tariffs assume fair usage of the Services by the customer. This includes, but is not limited to maintaining a ratio of outbound tariff enabled calls to inbound calls of more than 30% on the customers account. There is also a call to SMS policy, i.e. if it is deemed that a customer has bought the GoGlobal Sim for the use of SMS only, GoGlobal reserves the right to suspend service forthwith. In the event of fair usage not being sustained, GoGlobal reserves the right to review the rates and tariffs applied to the customer account or to terminate the Services and in this event, such termination shall be deemed to have been made by the customer. GoGlobal reserves the right to terminate without prior notice for any misuse of the product.

1. This service is for the benefit of all customers and will not be permitted to be abused (see clause 8.4). Therefore GoGlobal reserves the right to disconnect this service at any time, failure to make any outbound calls after receiving 50 inbound will result in the inbound calls being blocked, and a £3.00 fee charged for reconnection. Failure to comply can result in this service being withdrawn and the customer’s contract being terminated forthwith.

2. The service will be run 24 hrs 7 days a week to the destinations posted, some destinations will run 24 hrs 5 days a week Monday through Friday (please see main web site free roaming for details).There will be a 10p incoming call tariff set for countries that only run free roaming Monday through Friday. This charge will only apply Saturday/Sunday .

Cheap ?

Read the small print and you will find above rules.

The monday to friday part is really a big laugh.
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