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bbob (Offline)
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Default 18-11-2008, 09:29

Originally Posted by MATHA531 View Post
Here is the reply I received from Maxroam regarding the charges for calls not completed.

The reason you are charged for incomplete calls is because our system operates on a ‘call back’ method, you are charged to receive this call, it is similar to a connection fee. We are working on removing call back, and thus the connection fee, and should have this removed by the end of Q1 2008.

While operators such as United Mobile do not charge this fee (we are only charging it due to the system we use, which we are trying to eliminate), they do not offer the advantage of local numbers in 46+ countries, which means that those calling your from the US can call your US number at local rates, and do not need to dial a Jersey number, as provided by United Mobile, which is sometimes charged not only as an international number, but also as a premium number.

Of course, it is inexcusable on their part not to prominently tell people they will be charged even if the call is not completed...I don't think this is a usual thing and I can't, in all due respect to them, understand why it should be different just because you have a local number than it is for UM. (and of course the question is are you charged on both ends namely the call to their switching center in Ireland and then to receive the callback?) is a gigantic deficiency on their part and very nearly a deal buster, nobody should be charged when a call is not completed.

Maxroam is also charging you even if the call is not completed, many other do this.

The argument that they have inbound numbers is very nice but has nothing to do with the story. If someone calls you on 1 of these did numbers and the call gets forwarded you have to pay for this forward anyhow. Also you have to pay for the did number if you want more than one. You can easliy setup a system like this yourself and use any roamfree sim.

For now I have not had to many problems calling jersey and it being treated as premium number.

but we have had the discussion here before about paying for calls that were not answered or if you received a busy tone. Yes operators should be clear about it and sure somewhere in the small print you might be able to find it. But like many others they are not clear or advertised rates on a website are outdated. There are just a few operators that have been in business a longer time that are clear about what they do.
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