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Dubrock (Offline)
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Posts: 27
Join Date: 13 Sep 2008

Default 25-10-2008, 08:08

lol, I've got two reactions yesterday from my one question: "I am from Europe and am planning to visit the states in Februari as I do every year. I would like to buy a sim card but would like to use it every year without the need to get a new number every time. Therefore my
question: is it possible to recharge my balance with an European credit card? With T-Mobile this unfortunately doesn't work for example."

Answer one yesterday: "Thank you for contacting TuYo mobile. Please rest assured we will work our hardest in answering any and all your questions. In regards to your question, unfortunately you must use a U.S. credit card to reload a Tuyo account. Hope this answers your question. If you have any further questions or concerns do not hesitate to call us at :
1-800-get-tuyo(438-889 or dial 611 from any TuYo handset."

Answer two: "Thank you for contact regarding your request yes it is possible To recharge from Europe so went you come to the states you would not have to buy a new sim card you can to this on line the link is and you can recharge on line or if you have need problem pleas call customer service at 1-877-438-8896 Thank you Customer service"

Active sims NL Telfort, KPN, Vodafone, TrendCall, T-Mobile DE Simyo CH M-Budget PE Claro INT Air Baltic Card, GeoSim

Non-active sims NL Qick, Easymobile, Tele2, Simyo, Rabomobiel, Vectone, UPC, GT Mobile, Orange, Hema, Lycamobile, Carey TZ Celtel Malawi Celtel Zambia Celtel SA MTN, Vodacom INT UM, UM+, Go Global Sim, Max Roam, 09 Sim
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