Hello.. all the information here has been useful to make me convinced I want Yoigo. But buying Yoigo SIM card has proved to be a real ball breaker.
My friend is spending few weeks in Alicante area, and I instructed him to visit The Phone House (there are few in Alicante). Staff doesn't really speak English there, and even if they do, they claim:
- Yoigo Prepaid Sim cards are not available
- They do not support data
- You only get data working with non-Nokia phone
- You need NIE etc number (=be resident) to buy one
I really hope it's just crap, either due pure stupidity or vicious plan to get people buying more expensive products.
One problem that confuses me a bit, is price of the starter kit. Posts here suggest it costs either 20 or 15 euros. But my friend was asked 10 (and they said it doesn't support data) and he didn't have courage to buy it. I hope they have just reduced the price without changing the product itself..
As I understand, Yoigo Prepaid supports data up to 384kbit/s so maybe they were trying to explain that contract SIM with monthly subscription would give MORE speed (up to 2mbit/s). I really hope it's about this.
So could somebody confirm that Yoigo prepaids are still available and those 10 euro starter kits are fully fuctional (like described here, 1,2e+vat for one day usage etc)?
My friend is whining me I don't take this matter seriously enough (because I just asked him to go to The Phone House and buy Yoigo - which in most countries would be ENOUGH).
He also tried to order Yoigo online (also Simyo) but without luck. He of course doesn't have NIE, local bank account or debit/card. Has anybody succeeded in ordering one online with foreign Visa / bank account?
I don't understand Spanish, so websites are not very helpful