19-09-2008, 00:13
Fishtext indeed looks very good! I think I'll go for that one. It looks better designed and you can change the number where your sending from. Ideal when traveling the world.
Active sims NL Telfort, KPN, Vodafone, TrendCall, T-Mobile DE Simyo CH M-Budget PE Claro INT Air Baltic Card, GeoSim
Non-active sims NL Qick, Easymobile, Tele2, Simyo, Rabomobiel, Vectone, UPC, GT Mobile, Orange, Hema, Lycamobile, Carey TZ Celtel Malawi Celtel Zambia Celtel SA MTN, Vodacom INT UM, UM+, Go Global Sim, Max Roam, 09 Sim