Originally Posted by kayejaye
1)Would I be better off choosing Poste Mobile since it cost 15Euros and gives me 15Euro Credit as well? Would I be right to choose the "Con Tutti" Option as there is no set-up fee for each call and it will only cost me 16 Eu Cents per minute?
In Italy MVNO are not convenient, except some particular (and often time-limited) promotional options for on-net calling.
3) How would you compare Poste Mobile to Wind Super Senza?
With Wind you will have guarantee of full services of a real mobile operator. Furthermore super senza scatto is debited 1/1, postemobile debit 30/30. Now, Wind offers "Summer collection 5", a special sim pack that gives you 5€/month for 6 months of free calls (you will get at minumum 1 month).