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Przemolog (Offline)
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Default 05-07-2008, 01:02

Originally Posted by fedeprovenza View Post
More than Italy i'll wait for your report
1. mBank mobile (mBank - an Internet bank, Plus,, prepaid)
On-line offer only, some bonuses for the mBank internet bank customers, good national rates

2. myAvon (Avon - a direct sales cosmetic company, Orange,, prepaid)
A pretty hopeless offer available from Avon salespersons only, probably the first MVNO to die here

3. WPmobi (Wirtualna Polska -an Internet portal owned by TP - Polish Telecom, Orange,, prepaid)
On-line offer only, 3 tariff plans oriented to voice, messaging or data, 100 MB free for browsing/e-mail, bad rates to Play, reported problems with SIM delivery and on-line activation.

4. SIMfonia (MNI Telecom, Orange/MNI,, postpaid)
A complementary offer for MNI landline subscribers in central and north-eastern Poland

5. EZO mobile (Telestar - a website creator/content provider owned by MNI, Orange/MNI,, prepaid)
It's a really virtual MVNO . Its website has been running since Dec 2007 but still there's no price list nor the webshop where SIM can be bought. Its target group are believers of esotheric stuff: horoscopes, tarot, numerology etc.

6. Snickers Mobile (Mars Poland - a FMCG company, Orange/MNI,, prepaid)
Another strange MVNO project - SIMs are sent in return for 5 codes hidden inside promotional Sickers candy bars. Those codes may also be used for toppping up existing SIMs. This is a "limited edition MVNO" - only 100000 SIMs are available. However, it seems that many of them have still left , since the deadline of applyig for SIMs was changed from 13th June to 31st August.

7. Mobilking (Mobile Entertainment Company A.S., owned by Penta Holding - a Czech company which runs in Poland chains of bookmakers and Żabka convenience stores, Era,, prepaid)
A brand for "real guys" with the image full of sexism, what may be discouraging for many potential customers. However, it has rather good national rate (0.50 PLN/min) and the lower cost of keeping the SIM active with outgoing calls available - it's only 3.33 PLN/month (10 PLN top-up for 3 months).

8. Carrefour Mova (Carrefour Poland, Plus,, prepaid)
Good national rates, some free minute rewrds for Carrefour purchases, top-ups available also from non-Carrefour retailers. The downside is there's no data transmission - GPRS/MMS or not even CSD! BTW, they offer the cheapest satphone rates, quite useful for the target group .

9. Aster (Aster - a cable TV company, Orange,, postpaid)
A complementary offer for Aster "triple-play" services (TV,Internet,landline) subscribers in Warszawa, Krakow and Zielona Gora

10.Cyfrowy Polsat (Cyfrowy Polsat SA - a digital TV platform operator, Era,, prepaid/postpaid planned)
It's a full NVNO, even with its own network code 260-12.
The first Polish mobile tariff with unconditional per-second international billing. However, international zones are pretty strange. Most destinations are priced at 1 or 2 PLN/min but zone C (4 PLN) and zone D (7 PLN) are a bit shocking. Zone C: Antarctic, Diego Garcia, Guinea-Bissau, Kiribati, Cuba, Nauru, Niue, Papua New Gwinea,
Somalia, Norfolk Island, East Timor, Tokelau, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Sao Tome and Principe, St. Helena, Cook Islands, Solomon Islands, Ascension and .... Switzerland and Iceland. Zone D: Netherlands Antilles, Demokratic Republic of Kongo, Madagascar, Niger as well as .....Australia, Netherlands and Russia. Satphone calls are priced at 20 PLN/min(!). Cyfrowy Polsat has no roaming yet, it is annouced to be available via the dual IMSI feature in autumn (roaming provider is to be Telefonica Spain(.

11.Telepin mobi (Mediatel - a telecom company, Orange/MNI,, prepaid)
This MVNO uses the brand of a popular (however not very good) calling card Telepin. The product is addressed to foreigners who want to call cheaply to their home countries. However, cheap calling is performed via an access number and it's restricted to landlines (and of course mobile phones in RPP countries) in some countries only. The "direct-dial" international rates are horrible (Orange zones, but each at least 0.50 PLN/min more that very high Orange rates). The access number rate 0.49/0.39 in promotion is not so good also because moreless the same destination may be reached from Orange SIMs via 7081 dialthrough numbers at 0.35 PLN/min. It's intended to be a kind of an "etnic" operator. Its website and customer support is available also in Vietnamese, Ukrainian, English, Russian and Chinese. There are plans to distribute the SIM also abroad (in China, Vietnam, Russia and Ukraine).

MVNOs denoted by "Orange/MNI" signed their agreements not directly with Orange
but with a MNVE (Mobile Virtual Network Enabler) MNI Mobile, a part of MNI Telecom. The brand used for top-ups is you&MNI (

1 PLN = 0.30 EUR

Anyway, I think that all that stuff is no more that 200 000 active SIMs now which is nothing to compare with about 40 milion +48 SIMs altogether. In fact, I think that mBank mobile, WPmobi, Mobilking and Carrefour Mova are the only ones that really mean on this tiny virtual market.
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