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heinz57g (Offline)
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Default 27-06-2008, 23:07

any hungarians here pls who could jump in and comment? was
beginning this week in pecs, and tried, at least with some success.

buying the pannon card alone was an adventure. that i would
need my passport, and fake a hungarian residence addrs i had
anticipated, but why they needed my mothers name and addrs
(long since deceased, RIP) is totally beyond me.

remember, we are talking about a PREPAID sim card!

the girls i the two pannon shops i visited must have been chosen
for looks, i have to admit they were pretty. but none of them (nor
the one gentleman they called for translation), had the slightest
idea what GPRS or EDGE or UMTS actually was. there is plenty
of literature available in the shops, tons of it. no a single leaflet
in anything but hungarian...

important: the card should be initialized/registered in the shop, and
the PIN code request should be disabled. otherwise you cannot use
it in a modem.

all done. actual time for it to start working would be 1 to 24 hours, i
was told, and it took well over 15 hrs. beat me to understand this
- maybe they tried checking my mothers addrs.

actual connection was fine and instant (both EDGE and UMTS as
well as standard GPRS), apn net with guest and guest, but a couple of
mins and just over 2MB used, the connection was gone, and couldnt
be revived.

naturally, the 6.50 EURO credit on the card was used up. some 3 EURO
per MB is hard to believe, these days.

received three SMSs from them though, which i assume just tell me
that. is anybody here who could translate this?

- Tisztelt Elöfizetönk! Egyenlege: 212Ft. Vŕsŕrlŕsi keret 0Ft. (came 2x within 2 mins)

- Tŕjékoztatjuk, hogy WAP-forgalma elérte a 800kB-ot, melyet az egy hňnapig ingyenesen rendelkezésére ŕllň 1 MB WAP-forgalombňl hasznŕlt fel. Üdvözlettel:Pannon

- Tŕjékoztatjuk, hogy WAP-forgalma elérte a 1MB-ot, melyet az egy hňnapig ingyenesen rendelkezésére ŕllň 1 MB WAP-forgalombňl hasznŕlt fel.Üdvözlettel:Pannon

just for curiosity, what are they trying to tell me? anybody?

but more importantly: would anybody know anything a throughpassing and
motherless foreigner could use without paying a ridicoulos 3 EUR/MB?
any suggestions?

greetings - heinz -
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