26-06-2008, 17:45
If I have my facts correct (please advise) we have as alternatives:
1. SIMYO flatrate 30 days costs ~ 20 Euros (15 + 4.99) for unlimited landline access PLUS VOIP etc fees
2. Callthru 15 Euros for 150 minutes = 10 cents per minute PLUS VOIP etc fees (sorry, didn't see many details on this one)
3. Blauworld 9 cents + 15 cents setup (no VOIP fees)
My PRICING comparison of MARGINAL prices, ignoring any purchase of SIM, etc.
For a few calls of limited time, 3 is best (least expense). 10 calls of 15 minutes to USA totals 15 Euros. Using 2, 10 calls of 15 minutes to USA totals 15 Euros PLUS the VOIP or other fees. Using 1, 10 calls of 15 minutes to USA totals 20 Euros PLUS the VIOP or other fees.
For lots of calls or longer calls we have:
1) 30 calls of 15 minutes (450 minutes) total 20 Euros PLUS VOIP fees
2) 30 calls of 15 minutes (450 minutes) unknown final total because we don't know the charges for the 300 extra minutes PLUS VOIP fees
3) 30 calls of 15 minutes (450 minutes) total 45 Euros
If the VOIP fees are 1 cent per minute, the 450 minutes = 4.5 Euros.
I think we can see that the least cost solution depends on how many minutes and how many calls. For less than 150 minutes of calling 3 is the cheapest option; for 450 minutes 1 is the winner. I suspect somewhere in the middle 2 will be cheaper than either of the others.
Phones: DASH V3 (3)
Service: US T-MO post paid (2) - US T-MO prepaid (2) - UM+ - TravelSIM DE SIMYO - DE SUNSIM T-Mobile DE
Calling Cards: Onesuite Enjoyprepaid AT&T MCI Mobivox