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eurouser (Offline)
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Posts: 26
Join Date: 11 Jun 2008
Location: Michigan, Germany

Default 19-06-2008, 02:47

I ordered to my German address after I called my credit card company and added my German address to my credit card authorized addresses. Your credit card company may very well balk at authorizing a delivery to a address in another country if Solomo asks for an authorization to send to that address. If Solomo just trusts you and doesn't report the requested delivery address your credit card company might let it go, but it is a hassle trying to find out where your delivery went if it fails to show up, so I suggest adding the address with your credit card company first.

GSM phones: SonyEricsson w580i, Samsung A437, Dell Streak
CDMA/GSM phones: Sprint Samsung Galaxy 5,
SIMS: (live) AT&T GoPhone (USA, Mexico) LIDL (Germany)
(dead) Ortel, solomo pro, Yackie
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