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Mephisto (Offline)
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Default 25-04-2008, 13:35

Hello to all,
just to make sure that I got it right - I have a flatrate contract with 02 where I pay E 20 per month and get to call all "Deutscher Festnetz" (German Landlines, if my dictionary is correct) for free. I need to call Canada. So, I sign up with DialNow, pay their fees, dial their German local access number (as Motel told me it seems like a landline number), then dial the Canadian number, and I can talk for basically free? Is it possible that 02 might kind of sort of see through this method, and start charging me for a direct call to Canada even though I use DialNow? I am paying 0.89/minute if I call Canada directly, and my Bill comes in one month. During this month I will probably talk for at least 4 hours a day, 5 days a week, for 4 weeks. What's the chance that I will have something like a E 1000 calling fee showing up on that first bill...?


There is a clause on the 02 website which says the following:

"Inlandsgespräch ins dt. Festnetz außer Sonderrufnummern, Mehrwertdienste und Rufumleitungen."

This relates to the flatrate calls to German landlines. Can someone who knows German, or has experience with this service can pipe in and help explain whether this means that calling the DialNow number will be considered a "special number"?

Thanks a lot,


Last edited by Mephisto; 25-04-2008 at 13:48..
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