Originally Posted by Mephisto
Super Urgent - If someone can help me out with this I would be hugely appreciative!
I have a new contract sim card from O2. It says that I can call German landlines for free (Festnetz) (I pay a flat rate for this service). Is there any possible reason why I cannot use DialNow http://www.dialnow.com/en/index.html to call Canada using this mobile number? That is, I sign up with Dialnow, then dial a German landline number they provide (they have one listed as 03031190252 which I'm assuming is a land line), dial my contact number in Canada, and talk for basically nothing? Is this too good to be true or what?
Thank you all very much for your coming replies,
Should work fine. 030 is a Berlin landline. Tip: You can test it right now if you want, call the access number from Canada (011 49 30...) and see if it works.