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Mephisto (Offline)
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Default 17-04-2008, 14:00

Originally Posted by Motel75 View Post
To recap:

It will almost certainly be cheaper to call the Canadian number from a German mobile than vice versa. All Canadian numbers (landline and mobile) cost the same to call from Germany (Canada uses the recipient-pays model for mobile billing, so any cost for using the mobile is paid by the person receiving the call) whereas calls to German mobiles are usually more expensive than those to German landlines (like most places, Germany uses the caller-pays model for mobile billing; receiving calls within Germany is always free).

The cheapest international calls from Germany are from specialized prepaid SIM cards (01051mobile, solomo, blauworld). International calls from most other mobile phones can be very expensive; almost all prepaid mobile phones charge €2 per minute for all international destinations, and contract phones are usually also quite expensive.

You can call Canada quite cheaply from a landline in Germany, either by using call-by-call from a standard landline (this involves dialing a five- or six-digit code before the number to select the cheapest provider, and you can use one of several internet sites to find out the cheapest at the present moment; it's often one cent or less per minute), by preselecting one of these companies for all your calls to avoid dialing the code), or by selecting a flatrate (offered by Alice and perhaps other companies) in which all the calls to Canada would be free in exchange for a higher monthly fee (the flatrate does not apply to mobile numbers in caller-pays countries, but again, this does not apply to Canada).

As far as cheap calls to German mobile numbers from Canada go, I suspect your best rate would be using a calling card, but perhaps some of our Canadian friends might have another suggestion.
Hello Motel,
thank you for your very detailed reply; the information you're providing is extremely helpful.
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