Originally Posted by Mephisto
will I be able to use my Cell Phone if I get this land line option? That is, will getting this land line help me get lower phone rates on my mobile? Thanks a lot for your help,
No, it won't. The Alice flatrate applies only to calls made from a landline (they have some plans that include low-priced mobile calls, but these are within Germany only). Other German mobile flatrates pertain to German numbers only.
The cheapest mobile calling options to Canada are: 01051mobile (5 cents/min but no longer offered, 60/10 billing, i.e., you pay for the first 60 seconds no matter what, and the call is subsequently billed in 10-second increments), Solomo (9 cents/min in 60/1 billing), and Blauworld (9 cents/min in 60/60 billing plus connection charge of 15 cents).
Even without a flatrate, calling from a standard Deutsche Telekom landline to Canada (by selecting the cheapest provider with tariftip.de or billiger-telefonieren.de) usually costs around once cent per minute. So you'd be well advised to place as many calls as you can from a landline and get a cheap international-calling SIM for when you're travelling. 9c/min can add up, but 1c/min rarely does.