29-02-2008, 12:22
These MVNO's are certainly improving conditions there. I travel a lot to Spain and used to be quite dismayed at the choice and tariffs of prepaids from what I can olnly describe as the "Monopoly-carriers". Whilst tariffs have not only become better thanks to MVNO's, their call centres have also improved. e.g. I was pleasantly surprised when I called the Yoigo CS team the other day and wanted to change from Prepaid Tarjetta Tarrifa 1 (€6/month min.spend) to Prepaid Tarjetta Tarrifa 2 (€0/month min spend)... I was struggling to bring my point across in broken Spanish. The CS adviser then put me through to an adviser who spoke fluent English... which in my opinion is a marked improvemement for Spanish teleCS. (Though obviously not a god-given right to expect it!). I also have got the English service menus (e.g. Cost notification in English) and voicemail prompts set up on my Yoigo. I am quite impressed!