Originally Posted by Effendi
I prefer to use my prepaid Wind card: it costs me 1,25 c€ per single KB in Europe and 2,50 c€ per KB in most other places. For 1 MB it's a crazy rate, but to send some SMS with MobiSMS or to check mail it's fairly ok. And Wind has by far many more GPRS/3G agreements than ICQsim...
The 1,25c/KB rate applies elsewhere in Europe then? Someone just replied in another thread saying that it doesn't apply when roaming:
Of course, I imagine I'd have to come to Italy to get this card, but the rate is much closer to what I'm looking for. As you mention, I want to send SMS with MobiSMS (or SMSbug, or Vyke, which I think may be cheaper) and only pay 1.25c per SMS.