Originally Posted by djalqali
travelsim rate are billed per minute or billed per second? In the italian forum mondo3 i've read billed per second.....it's true?
The travelsim.it site is the italian reference for travelsimshop site or totally different sim?
I've read good opinion for gt-sim in italian forum mondo3 and bad opinion in prepaidgsm? I'm bit confused. 
1) Biling is 60/60, i.e. per minute.
2) Travelsim.it is an Italian dealer, and I don't like them. We always dealed with travelsimshop.com (or .it, it's the same), which is an Austrian reseller, very correct, we have a referral link with them and we find it to be probably the best among the dealers we had contact with.
3) GT-Sim on mondo3? Never read about it, it seems I'm too busy recently! :P BTW they changed quite a lot their offer, I really have no idea about how it works now!