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djalqali (Offline)
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Default 16-02-2008, 15:22

Originally Posted by andy View Post
Is it a new SIM, or just a call forwarding system added to one that we already know?

it's new sim

In quale paese risiede il mio numero di telefonia mobile?
In islanda o Inghilterra.

= in which country will my number be?
- Iceland or UK [England]

yes: the free roaming incoming number is Iceland or Uk based, i don't know if you can choose. Free incoming number is really free in 140 country (200 country global coverage)

I haven't checked the tariffs yet; for Italians, how does the call forwarding compare to setting up something oneself via Messagenet or Skypho/Eutelia and/or others?
Answer: mission impossible.

Eutelia rates (same rate for calling from voip phone and for forewarding to your cell number) are: (second column is vat included)

zeromobile rates for incoming call on did number are country dependent: if you stay in "zone 1" country the rate is 19 eurocent (vat inc), if you stay in "zone 2" country is 29 eurocent and so on.

the country zone list:

.......but i'm bit confused: there are 2 different zone list for originating call and destination call. I suppose the first list is the list for the incoming DID rates.

Well, first tentative for comparison:
you have um423 sim and eutelia voip account with a free italian did number,

you stay in england
for incoming call on did number you pay: call divert eutelia-->um423=30,1 cent/min
with zeromobile 19cent/min

you stay in Egypt:
eutelia+um423 the same 30,1 cent/min
zeromobile: 29 cent/min

you stay in china:
eutelia+um423 the same 30,1 cent/min
zeromobile: 79 cent/min

if you change your um423 with a travelsim or um+ the matrix rates is totally different

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