I agree. Unless you buy it on ebay UK of course. Which is where I bought my UK sims. Another option is to just wait till you get there. To get it for next to nothing.
Originally Posted by Ukap
Their price is higher however, I cannot purchase a British sim directly from a UK site using USA address. You have to use your credit card billing zip code which is in the USA & the UK sites do not allow me to do that.
I have United-Mobile sim that I am using while in Europe. However I will be one week in UK. UM calls from UK to USA will be 40c. I thought if I got a British sim I could call the USA for less than UM rate.
Some rates on Britishsims are showing at 5p a minute - approx 10c USA
Phones: Xiaomi Mi Mix 2, Samsung Galaxy A50, ASUS zenfone 3,
Sim cards: AT&T (Contract), 3 UK, Piranha Mobile