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christophe (Offline)
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Arrow reputation? - 04-02-2008, 05:44

Originally Posted by YackieMobile View Post
negative feedback ???

Please dont " build " a reputation based on comment who say, BAD, like you can't also promote a product because one other say GREAT////

We all work for be better and we need you for that
hi yackie,

why be angry and ever aggressive?
when customers use you products, whe also help the general issue of prepaid roaming cards. That's tue that some are rough in the commentaries but the treads concern many providers and not only us based residents which traval.
When you pay 49 Usd for the sim card like yackie or 39,95 usd for Gt, you compare,you read, you also be prudent... companies falled out in 2007 and how much money gone and lost?
Like other providers , i communicate using tickets and live help befor purchasing? Im sorry to insist.. you dont give me any feedback about the ticket i open, you dont answear by phone with the uk number on the website and the sales live support isn't online for instance last week... what do I think ?

International Prepaid services : YackieMobile +31, GoSimEkit +44 & Truphone +44
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