Thanks to
bourbonkiller ( ) I found the way to get and USE an email by POP3/Imap.
Well, if you are a customer you can get an address only registering yourself on the
Orange Mobile Portal (you have to use the wap service, APN click). In the mainpage click on "Mail" link and get your email address.
Then visit the main page of Mail Service, you will find "Setting options". Inside that part you have to look for the change password (when you register the account you DO NOT have one! So you can't check that email outside the Mobile Portal), digit your password and wait for the confirmation SMS.
Then you can use that address via POP3/IMAP

You can't use the webmail service (so strange) but using the POP3/Imap service (POP3 = , IMAP = you can check the email outside the portal
Important! For login via POP3/IMAP you have to use your OClick number and NOT the alias email (ex.: you activated the address on your OClick number 0781111111, you have to use the login and NOT )