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bourbonkiller (Offline)
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Prepaid Fan
Posts: 193
Join Date: 22 Dec 2004
Location: Lake of Constance

Default 28-12-2007, 15:32

Most of the Swiss prepaid offers will charge you minimum CHF 5.00 per MB which is around USD 4.50.

In my opinion there are two options for you:

A) If you have heavy data use:
Orangeclick with the data and international option. You can reduce the cost for receiving emails almost to zero when you go to the mobile orange portal and activate your own email-address which will be "". Sending and receiving email from this server is included into the data-option and should always be free of charge.

B) more phonecalls / less emails
If you tend to call a lot within Switzerland and check your email not that often, go for a ALDI prepaid offer which charge only 0.18 CHF to fixed net within switzerland. Data will cost you CHF 5.00 per MB.

Avoid SWISSCOM prepaid. They charge you CHF 14.00 per MB of data (no options available) and calls within Switzerland will cost about 0.80 CHF per minute to cross networks (same price per hour to SWISSCOM and fixed net)

Third option for you could be the LEBARA mobile SIM (works on sunrise network). Very cheap international calls (without monthly option) and CHF 10.00 per MB of data.

Enjoy your stay in Switzerland. If you want to visit me, go here: and choose Walzenhausen.

Mobiles: iPhone 7+, iPhone 7, iPhone SE, Blackberry Priv, Honor 8, Lumia 950
Prepaid-SIM: 3 UK, Save Money Sim, Toggle Mobile UK, XX-Sim, Koko Mobile
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