Thread: Greece GPRS?
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real_goose (Offline)
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Default WIND Plus connection options - 26-11-2007, 22:38

While I stay in the family cottage in Zemeno, I have no internet access so WIND Plus appears to be my best option. Zemeno is closer to Distomo than Arachova, so it appears that HSDPA is not available based on the map. GPRS is still much better than nothing which is what I have now.

I do own an unlocked Sierra 875 data card that supports European frequencies. Assuming I set up the proxy as if I was tethering to phone, will it work with Plus? (If not I need to consider a new phone.)

I also own a Sony Erikson t68 that was software upgraded to a t68i. But the 'upgrade' has given me problems and I can't be sure it will really work as a modem even if I do buy the proper cable. My laptop has no bluetooth so I need a cable.

Is there a website that explains tethering for someone who has no experience?

I suppose the ideal phone would be inexpensive, support GPRS, easy to find data cables and modem software for Windows XP. It should also have Java and the ability to use a browser. Is there any other criteria I should consider?
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