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sec (Offline)
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Default 14-11-2007, 18:29

Originally Posted by snaimon View Post
So, in the future, T-MO EU would have to implement a customer care system that would allow users to select the language they would wish to use with customer care. THAT system is not implemented because there is no T-MO EU of VODA-EU.
Can you envision a time when, say T-MO EU decides NOT to support every single European language, especially if its say Slovak-speaking customer base falls below a given #? They may have supported Slovak to start, but over time, the Slovak-speaking customers migrated to another carrier.
Stan, I don't think the one you mention is a major issue: you will probably have, when/if you will have T-MO EU of VODA EU, a smart system that identifies the caller and the country and consequently provides customer care in the relevant language. I honestly don't think we will ever get to a stage where customer cares won't be available in the native language: not only this would probably constitute a breach of the operator's duties in relation to the telecom license held (i.e. Italian Ministry of Communications requires customer care in Italian - apart from consumer law issues), but it would be commercially a suicide: right now if you buy some high tech product, you may end up with a customer care operator with a strong foreign accent (located in Ireland or somewhere else), but the language will nonetheless be the one of the country where you dialed the 0-800 number!

My Phones: Nokia 6230 - Nec N343i - Nokia 6230i
My Sims: Wind IT prepaid (+ Voda IT postpaid corporate phone)
Prepaid Sims: WORLWIDE: Riiing, UM+ - IT: Voda, Wind
Deceased Sims: WORLWIDE: Hop - NZ: Vodafone - FR: Bouygues - IT: H3G - US: T-Mobile
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