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prion (Offline)
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Default 10-11-2007, 17:57

Originally Posted by ygeffens View Post

I tried this:

"Forward on my SIP Account and after, on my SIM Card"
The caller of the DID hears a ring-tone.
My VOIP phone rings for about 15 seconds.
Then 5 seconds "nothing".
The caller of the DID still hears a ring-tone.
My cellphone rings.
The caller of the DID still hears a ring-tone.

and I tried this:

"Forward on my SIM Card (+35438039xxxx)"
The caller of the DID hears... nothing.
5 seconds later, my cellphone rings.
The caller of the DID still hears nothing.
I'm not quick enough to find the right cellphone that is ringing (just kiddin').
The caller, because he did not hear a ringtone, disconnects the call.

So, scenario 1 looks fine to me.
Is the problem of the missing ringtone caused by Yackie or by my provider?
I called my DID with my other cellphone and with a VOIP-provider, so I guess not, but you never know.


BTW: I tried calling my Yackie +354 number with VoiceTrading, I hear a dialtone, but my cellphone does not ring.
Interesting remarks.
Betamax does not seem to connect to +354380 numbers
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