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YackieMobile (Offline)
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Default 02-11-2007, 22:35

Originally Posted by andy View Post
As I already said, some providers have not defined certain numbers as valid. This certainly applies to +4476 and even still now to +4475 which is already more common on the main UK networks.

And quick checks on popular voip carriers reveal that they can't necessarily differentiate between all UK prefixes, especially recent ones, and may just as easily charge 32 cents to call T-mobile or O2 as Truphone Vectone or Xfone.

In other words, that is their own opportunistic choice of tariff, not necessarily based on direct feedback about what they are actually charged wholesale. This seems particularly true of US providers, as you probably noticed, and others have commented here in the past.

But although my post appears UK-centred, it was mainly for ease of looking up tariffs. Someone in Germany will have just as much chance of cheap ways to call German and UK mobiles and most other countries, and likewise throughout more and more of the world all the time
I can't speak for the multitude of voip carriers out there, yes it does take time for new series to propagate through the telecom world. However, we work on access issues first hand daily, and our experience is that this is not the issue here, rather that cheap carriers are unwilling to breakout our series (understandably)

As others have confirmed, normal local mobile/fixed line access to the series is usually good, it's mainly the voip carriers that might have issues. My only advice is to use voip carriers that do terminate to +354380, the business centric ones tend to do so more than the cheap ones. I know that some prominent, good quality UK based ones do so as well. I also know of 0845 numbers with prepaid account in the UK that work fine to +354380, but I would rather not advertise them here.

Alternatively you could use your DID.
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