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nyc7575 (Offline)
Junior Member
Posts: 5
Join Date: 16 Oct 2007

Default 16-10-2007, 22:08

Hi everyone,
I'm new here and I'm hoping to hear if anyone received a SIM from UM recently.

I'm in New York city and I ordered a UM+ SIM on 13 September.
After waiting for 16 days, I still didn't recieve it so I e-mailed UM customer service. They replied to me on 3 October and said "Thank you for your inquiry. The average shipping time is 10 working days, not counting a possible delay at customs.
So we are still in good hopes that the shipment should soon arrive. "

I waited but still haven't received.

In my invoice posted in my account on the web, I noticed my Zip code (postal code) was placed before the name of city and state so I thought it might be the
reason for the postal service doesn't deliver it to me. (The postal service should figure it out, but we never know...)
The invoice shows the date I ordered, but the customer service didn't answer
my question asking when the SIM was shipped to me.

I e-mailed UM+ customer service again on 10 October and explained the situation, pointed out the address issue, and asked for a replacement as I'm leaving for Europe within two weeks and I desparetely need a SIM.

Sadly no reply as of today. Still no package from them in today's mail.

I paid US$45.90 and they don't even reply to my e-mail.

Did anyone receive the SIM lately?

Usually letter/package from Europe arrives within a week and I haven't experienced lost package. Geez, did my order get lost?

How come they don't reply my e-mail?

Thank you for listening.
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