Originally Posted by petkow
I now got the ball rolling thanks to you guys! Thanks. The problem he has is he has a bit too much credit now. In any case, if it takes about 3 days for T-Mobil to process the "Verzichtserklärung" (disclaimer), I now doubt that I will be able to get this done before Solomo's special offer of free porting finishes on Monday. Anyhow, the €10 normal charge is not too bad. I am confused about one thing with Solomo. It appears the discount applies for any topup made for over €10. But if you make a €10 topup do you get a 10% discount for that month only or is right it until that credit runs out? It would seem silly for anyone not to make the €20 topup (which is not that much really) to get the full 20% discount. I've just realised with such a discount applied, incoming charges in some EU countries is only 8c/min!! That seems like a good roaming product in its own right!
No, it does not have anything to do with the recharge but with the volume of calling within one month. If you spend more than 10 Euro a month you get 1 Euro extra top-up in the next month. If you spend more than 20 Euro a month you get a 4 Euro extra top-up in the next month.