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GSM_student (Offline)
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Default Well - 03-10-2007, 06:13

I agree that looks very strange a technical problem take so long to return.

But other strange things happens yesterday. Here my GSM mobile efect my computer when is receiving a message, or call or any other information. And yesterday at least 4 times my mobile (with the Geosim) efect my computer. I was happy thinking that the things would return to a regular working, but nothing.
Any way some thing happens in the network, so some times I beleive yet that could be technical problem, but it is hard to beleive that a operator stoped during days. Imagem if happens with Orange because some technical problem, how crazy will be.

And I beleive that they is tring to solve soon, because if all was losted they already advise us. Why they will hide that they never will return or that will take at least months to return?

Anyway congratulations to Geosim that at the same time that the problens happen stoped to sell.
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