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hrgajek (Offline)
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Default 02-10-2007, 09:29

Hello World,

as far as I was told, there could be a "non technical problem" on the Isle of Man where (the platform operator) and Manx Telecom (the network operator, a subsidy of o2 plc) are located.

As far as I understood, this problem could last minimum to end of week.

If you dial +44 7624 1xxxxx from a working phone you get an announcement, that "the number is not available."
If you dial e.g. +44 7624 2xxxxx you get another message that "the number is not recognized."

Seems to me, they have blocked our numbers/SIM cards, for whatever reasons.

To learn how many numbers are affected, what are your first two digits after +44 7624 ?? xxxx

Mine are 19xxxx ( I know customers with 14xxxx ( and GT-SIM)

Are other Area Codes in use with callkey?

73 & 55 (Regards)
Henning Gajek
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