> Hera? Do you mean Heyah or Era

Heya. Sorry...
> That's strange that you couldn't find Plus and Orange SIMs at kiosks.
Not in the vicinity of Central station and Centrum at least.
I actually could find Orange at Eriks (I hope this is the name of the book/newspaper shop in Maszakowska and in the new mall at Centralny), but I was more after SIMPlus
> BTW, Plus's prepaid SIM is named Simplus.
Right, I was using it in abbreviated form.
>Each of those SIMs can be converted to Orange Free but it's not immediately - requests are processed once a day, about 8:00 AM.
This is what prevented me from Orange (at least as a first choice). With SIMPlus I could be online right away and not the morning after.
> You can also reachrge in some ATMs ("bankomat") but then usually you type your phone number and the credit is added w/o any extra codes.
Right. But someone somewhere (not necessarily in Poland, since I had been on holiday in Argentina some days before,) had cloned my debit card and I had to block it the second day in Poland and I found myself without access to this possibility.
> Didn't you switch the language of messages to English? Anyway, not all Plus messages are translated

I did not know about this possibility... If you already wrote about this, I overlooked it. Sorry!
> The only problem is that you can't get a good voice and data rates on the same SIM. IPlus and Orange Free have horrible voice rates.
I agree. Therefore I switched to SIMPlus, with better data rates also, but with some "side-effects" on recharching the data.
Thank you again!