Originally Posted by Effendi
The problem for Vodafone Passport users is present also here in Italy, and I think it's something almost against the law... Anyway, all other operators, switched, or will switch, automatically all users to the new Eurotariffs. The limit I think is the end of September 2007. Some operators switched at once (quite in an honest way, before summer holidays) other haven't yet (but gave the possibility to switch on request).
The country where is the caller is really not important, what counts is where are YOU when you call or receive.
That would be what I would think also but here is a statement from O2 UK on their My Europe tariff which apparently is their rendition of eurotariffs:
When you're abroad in any of the European countries we've listed below, making a call to one of those countries will cost 35p per minute and receiving a call
from any of those countries just 18p per minute. It's the same rate whether you call a mobile or landline, any time, no matter which network you connect to.
That statement sure seems to say that the reduced rate for receiving calls only applies, while travelling in Europe outside the UK, for calls from other EU countries......How can they tell where the call originates?