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Przemolog (Offline)
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Default 14-08-2007, 14:29

Another test in Poland. As of today UM+ (outgoing calls) doesn't work with Era - the callback connection is broken after one second ringing or no ringing occurs at all. After the failed callback, the first the message "Calling" followed by number dialed dispalys for a few second and the whole thing ends with "Service unavailable" message and a single "OK" option to close that message.

Caller ID is rather unstable both ways and more often it doesn't display.

SMSes from Era to UM+ don't go through. I said before that they went OK but I realised that I had forgotten to test the Era->UM+
case. So the conclusion is that UM+ roaming on Era network works for incoming calls/SMSes only

Last edited by Przemolog; 14-08-2007 at 22:14.. Reason: Some more info added
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