08-08-2007, 17:13
My Globetrotter Data Card Software counts the usage, (transmit and receive), and I set up a separate connection for the 50Mb between 9am and 5pm, so I know I havent used anything near the limits.
"TIM 50Mb per month " connection - usage 2Mb
"TIM 9Gb" connection - usage 480Mb
My TIM traffic page says
"Traffico residuo:€ 1.82 Aggiornato al: 08/08/2007 Scadenza SIM: 01/09/2008 Bonus e Promozioni attive MaxxiTim Web Time - Recharge
Data di attivazione: 03/08/07 - Scadenza: 02/09/07 Hai a disposizione 8929560 KB residui di traffico dati verso ibox.tim.it. Hai a disposizione 201 KB residui di traffico dati verso ibox.tim.it. Hai a disposizione 100900 KB residui di traffico dati verso ibox.tim.it. "
not sure what the 201kb and 100900KB mean, but it certainly says that I have most of my 9Gb left for the month, (30 days).
I wonder if I have to register in some way to get the 50Mb during 9am to 5pm Mon-Fri - I definitely wont be using it again until I understand it.
Thanks for the help so far, any more help and advice welcomed.