MaxxiTim Web Time - What's The Deal? -
07-08-2007, 16:54
Subscribed to MaxxiTim Web Time, received the SMS confirmation, and it works fine between 5pm and 9am ... also looks like it allows use for 24 hours per day at the weekend, i.e. 5pm Friday to 9am Monday inclusive - Is that correct?
The web site also says:
"La MaxxiTIM Web Time è un'offerta riservata ai clienti abbonati (Nota 1) che consente di navigare gratis in Internet attraverso le tecnologie GPRS/EDGE/UMTS/HSDPA/Wi.Fi pubblico di TIM tutti i giorni dalle ore 17:00 alle ore 9:00, e sempre nei week-end fino ad un massimo di 9 Giga (Nota 2)!
In più TIM ti regala 50 MB da utilizzare nella fascia oraria non coperta (dal lunedì al venerdì dalle 9:00 alle 17:00 e durante i giorni festivi diversi dal week-end). "
which translates via Alta Vista Babelfish as:
"The MaxxiTIM Web Time is a classified offer to the customers always makes a subscriber (Famous 1 to you) that it concurs to be annoying gratis in Internet through public the GPRS/EDGE/UMTS/HSDPA/Wi.Fi technologies of TIM every day from hours 17:00 to hours 9:00, and in the weekends until to a 9 maximum of Giga (Famous 2)! In more TIM 50 MB give you to use in wrap hour not covered (from the monday to the friday from the 9:00 to the 17:00 and during the various festive days from the weekend)."
which I read to mean that you also get 50Mb to use between the hours of 9am to 5pm on Monday to Friday.... However, I used it this morning after 9am and it used all my credit up. So what does the 50MB thing mean??
Many Thanks Again