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sretsac (Offline)
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Posts: 2
Join Date: 16 Jul 2007

Question Purchased WIND sim on Ebay - heading to Italy 7/24 - 16-07-2007, 23:04

I have been lurking on this site for months - I was able to purchase a used wind SIM on Ebay and was wondering if I could get some clarification on couple things.

Can I recharge the card before I leave? I have viewed the mondowind site which is in Italian and was wondering if I could have some instructions on that.

I am using a BlackBerry pearl. I am assuming I cannot get BB connectivity w/ the card but would like data services that aren't going rack up a huge bill.

Basically just need some guidance on how to get the best experience from this card. I will be using it primarily to call back to the states but will probably be making some in-country calls as well.

Thanks for any help!!!

Also, I tried registering the # at the 155 site and it said I couldn't and that I;d have to mail in registration info. Any help there would be appreciated as well.

Last edited by sretsac; 17-07-2007 at 02:00..
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