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Przemolog (Offline)
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Default Skype to invest in UM - 12-07-2007, 13:45

The content of the today's UM newsflash which I received about half an hour ago.

Skype founding investor delivers major financial backing to
United Mobile

Morten Lund, a founding investor in global technology giant Skype, is investing in the international mobile network operator United Mobile.

"United Mobile has the solution we have all been waiting for – and the revenue I have been looking for" stated Morten Lund. He has a strong track record of successfully establishing and launching technologically innovative, financially profitable businesses in the internet and telephony industry.

Morten Lund is a firm advocate of United Mobile's business strategy of combining its services with so called Web 2.0 functionality. He commented: "The business rationale behind United Mobile's decision to integrate Web 2.0 features into its service offering is compelling. The organisation’s key objective is to transfer the Skype model to the mobile phone for average Joe who is travelling. United Mobile will deliver a combination of Truphone, Jajah and Skype on a "One SIM card Service". The company will be a leader in delivering free mobile telephony worldwide. This pioneering new business model will be widely adopted in the world's leading mobile markets in the near future."

Sven Donhuysen, CEO and President of United Mobile, commented: "It is a great endorsement for us to have a strategic investor with a track record like Morten on board. He is well connected and has a wealth of expertise of successful investment in the internet and mobile technology space."
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