Originally Posted by wco81
It returns a message for me saying I need to send a secret number
Obviously your card isn't fully activated yet. You need to dial your voice mail (IIRC 9911). You will be prompted to select a PIN number for that. This will finalize activation. Once activation is finalized, checking balance with either 1155 menu 1 or *100# will work.
Originally Posted by wco81
Will that show me how much data I've downloaded when I loaded some web pages or just show me a raw money balance?
Just the raw balance. For phone calls, 1155 menu 1 will also give access to the cost of the last 5 calls.
Originally Posted by wco81
[...] there's no way to enter a credit card on a secure web page to get the codes displayed?
AFAIK not from the provider. A workaround would be buying codes via a third-party vendor like (I hope I won't get flak for this)
Originally Posted by wco81
Looks like I get 12 months with either just the starter kit balance or any top-up.
And as soon as you top up € 15 or better, an additional 12 months, maxing out at 24 months.
Originally Posted by wco81
Maybe it's better to let this one lapse because roaming in the EU is suppose to get a lot cheaper in the future right?
AFAIK medionmobile has already announced lowering their prices to the EU-prescribed levels. As for the rest, I wouldn't hold my breath.