Originally Posted by wco81
OK I looked at the E-Plus WAP, as configured by the SIM already.
Which is fine if WAP access is what you want. AFAIK you will need the internet APN for anything besides WAP, i.e. email and other networking apps.
Originally Posted by wco81
I did load a couple of pages and it was okay but certainly slower than Wifi, which is what you'd expect.
Uhm. Obviously.
Originally Posted by wco81
I tried changing the Data Bearer to "Data Call" or "High Speed (GSM)" but then the "Access Point Name" (and wap.eplus.de) disappears and you get a "Dial-Up Number" field which shows "Must be defined."
You do
not want CSD, trust me. Packet is just fine.
Originally Posted by wco81
Does GPRS require a dial-up number? Does CSD? Perhaps that is what "Data Call" or "High Speed (GSM)" corresponds to?
No. Data carrying mechanisms in UMTS are basically equivalent to GPRS. That's why there's no distinction between those in that regard.
CSD or HSCSD are indeed more or less like good old classic modem data calls. Again, you most likely don't want that.
Originally Posted by wco81
Hmm Zugangspunkt means access point according to a German-English dictionary. So GPRS and UMTS apparently both use the concept of access points rather than dial up numbers like CSD.
Yes. See above.
Originally Posted by wco81
Perhaps if you're near a UMTS tower, it will use that and if you're only near a GPRS tower, you only get GPRS speeds?
Bingo. Your mobile should also be indicating if you have 3G or just 2.5G coverage. Not having a gumboot phone myself, I can't say what should show up on yours. Others actually show "2G" "2.5G" or "3G", possibly "UMTS" or nasty little cryptic symbols.