19-03-2007, 00:04
Well there are several plans that are very cheap to call to the USA but you'll have to get somebody more familiar with GPRS....
Vodafone is not a good option if calling from the UK to the US is one of your priorities...rates are very high.
As it stands now....there are 2 excellent plans for calling the USA. One is called Mobile World offered by Carphone Warehouse...sim card pack is free...you pay only for time...calls to the USA and Canada are 5p/minute (billed in 60 second intervals alas) with a brief period during the day when it becomes 7.5p/minute.....rates are good but undesirable feature is it becomes invalid after 90 days of non use and you can't get around that as it does not allow roaming but if you're not paying for the sim, I don't see that as a big deal...you can always buy another one next time you get to UK.
Currently T Mobile UK has a good deal too.....the sim card itself is not very expensive (comes with no air time) but for £2 you can buy 50 minutes of airtime to the USA and Canada which is apparently timed in 1 second intervals...this special expires after 60 days but so what...the sim card itself doe snot expire so you simply buy another 2 quid package and of course T Mobile UK allows roaming so you can send a sms to keep it active. It is a good deal.
Another okay deal, not as good as the ones mentioned, comes from Virgin Mobile.....sim card costs 10 quid but comes with quid worth of air time....calls to the USA and Canada are 20p/minute timed in 1 second intervals with a minimum of 5p per call...also if you are also making calls within the UK costs are 15p/minute for first 5 minutes of use each day and then it drops to 5p/minute and the calls to the USA and Canada count towards the determination of the 5 minute billing period....not too bad but right now I prefer the T Mobile UK plan...BTW since Virgin Mobile allows roaming and since it does not deactivate until 365 days have passed, it can be kept active by simply sending a sms message wherever you are (any billing period will do) or as I did, I downloaded a ring tone for 9p and kept the card active from outside the UK!